
王 丹13,吴小娟2,吉 喆13,兰 余13,吴卫宇2,匡立华13,周成坪13,罗 爽2,杨 洁13,刘小刚13*

1.泸州老窖股份有限公司,四川泸州 646000

2.四川国检检测有限责任公司,四川泸州 646000

3.泸州老窖养生酒业有限责任公司,四川泸州 646000

摘要:建立了甘草养生酒中甘草酸的高效液相色谱测定方法。不同甘草酸含量的养生酒样品经适当稀释或100 水浴去除乙醇,定容后,以乙腈-0.05%磷酸水溶液为流动相,Athena C18-WP水相柱(4.6 mm×250 mm5 μm)分离的高效液相色谱法测定甘草酸含量。结果显示:该方法在2.0400 mg/L浓度范围内线性关系良好,相关系数R20.999 4,线性方程为y5.353 8x6.022 6,方法检出限、定量限分别为0.50 mg/kg1.50 mg/kg;仪器精密度良好,RSD0.34%n6);甘草养生酒中4个加标水平下的回收率范围为 90.3%104.8%n6),相对标准偏差为1.748%5.117%。该方法灵敏度高、分析时间短、稳定性好、准确可靠,是测定甘草养生酒中甘草酸含量的有效方法。


中图分类号:TS207.3  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1674-506X202305-0125-0006

Determination Glycyrrhizic Acid Content in Glycyrrhiza Healthy Liquor by HPLC

WANG Dan13WU Xiaojuan2JI Zhe13LAN Yu13WU Weiyu2

KUANG Lihua13ZHOU Chengping13LUO Shuang2YANG Jie13LIU Xiaogang13*

1.Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd., Luzhou Sichuan 646000, China;

2.Sichuan Guojian Inspection Co., Ltd., Luzhou Sichuan 646000, China;

3.Luzhou Laojiao Health Liquor Co., Ltd., Luzhou Sichuan 646000, China

AbstractTo establish a HPLC method for the detection of glycyrrhizic acid content in glycyrrhiza healthy liquor. In the method, the experimental samples with different concentration levels of glycyrrhizic acid were measured after appropriate dilution or water bath at 100  proposed to remove ethanol and dissolved with methanol. The analysts were separated on an Athena C18-WP column 4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μmby gradient elution with mixtures of acetonitril0.05% phosphoric acid solution. The results showed that the method had a good linear relationship in the range of 2.0400 mg/L, with the correlation coefficient of 0.999 4 (y5.353 8x6.022 6). The limit of detection and limit of quantification were 0.50 mg/kg and 1.50 mg/kg. The instrument had a good precision, The RSD value of the peak areas was 0.34% (n6). The recoveries of four spiking levels ranged from 90.3% to 104.8% (n6). The RSD values of glycyrrhizic acid content ranged from 1.748% to 5.117%. The method has advantages such as high sensitivityshort analysis time, good stability and the results were accurate and reliable. It can be used to determine the content of glycyrrhizic acid in glycyrrhiza healthy liquor.

KeywordsHPLC; glycyrrhizic acid; glycyrrhiza healthy liquor










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247